Food Flexible Hose – MTG STEAM
Product detail
MTG STEAM – FOOD GRADE FLEXIBLE HOSE is imported by Khanh Anh company from Italy and distributed exclusively in Vietnam.
Application of MTG Steam Hose
– MTG Steam Hose is a food quality rubber hose, specifically designed for cleaning operations with saturated steam (up to +164°C) and hot water washdown services.
– Normally used in dairy industries, creameries and food processing facilities for safe operations during cleaning processes with hot water and steam.
– Delivery hose.
Construction of MTG Steam Hose
EPDM rubber (Code 140 BI), light colour, mirror-smooth.
Complying with FDA standards, D.M. 21/03/73 and following amendments.
REINFORCEMENT: Plies of synthetic cord.
COVER: EPDM rubber, blue colour, smooth, abrasion and weather resistant, cloth finish. Resistant to traces of animal and vegetable fats.
Main Benefits of MTG Steam Hose
– The inner liner, specifically designed for conveying hot water and steam (up to +164°C), allows safe cleaning and disinfection process.
– The cover provides good heat-resistance and withstands incidental contact with animal and vegetable fats.
– Hose in accordance with EC 1935/2004 and 2023/2006/EC (GMP). The MTG production cycle is free from animal derived ingredients, phthalates, adipates and materials subject to restrictions acc. to EC 1907/2006 (REACH)
Address: F10, street 6, Van Gia Phuc block, 295 Tan Ky Tan Quy str., Tan Son Nhi ward, Tan Phu dist., Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Email: kaco@inoxkaco.vn
Hotline: +84 28 6658 2434 – 6659 2434