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What is the EHEDG standard? Vision, mission and importance of the EHEDG standard.
The design of safe, hygienic equipment and facilities is one of the key tools that food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies seek to achieve their ultimate goal of ensuring the safety of the products they produce. The above industries and equipment manufacturers are aware of the importance of hygiene related aspects in the activities they carry out because food safety is so important.
Food safety helps protect consumers from the risk of foodborne illness, it also helps protect consumers from the risks of health-related conditions such as allergies, reactions and even death. In addition, compliance with food safety principles also protects processing plants from product recalls that lead to financial losses due to unsafe products.
Experts also estimate that cleaning time in the food and beverage industry is up to 30% of the total production time. Therefore, it is easy to understand why manufacturers attach great importance to whether the design of their products is environmentally friendly (hygienic design) or not. Therefore, many manufacturers pay attention to the 3A and EHEDG symbols. But what do these symbols represent and how can they be compared?
You may be interested in: What is 3A Sanitary Standards? Definition, purpose and advantages of 3A standard.
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ToggleWhat is the EHEDG standard?
EHEDG means European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group. This EHEDG standard states clearly: Ensuring food quality and safety is a core factor for development in the food industry. Hygienic design and maintenance of production systems are prerequisites for meeting these standards.
Established in 1989, it is a non-profit Corporation of equipment manufacturers; food suppliers and manufacturers; research institutes and universities; Public health agencies and government organizations have a common purpose to promote hygiene during the processing and packaging of food products.
The EHEDG standard requires that the handling, preparation, processing and packaging of food be carried out mechanically in hygienic premises in accordance with the Food Hygiene Directive, the Machinery Directive and the Food Contact Materials Directive. products (EC Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery, EN 1672-2 and EN ISO 14159 on Hygienic requirements for the design of machinery).
Equipment manufacturers and users are responsible for implementing the standard and EHEDG will provide guidance on essential hygienic design standards in accordance with national and international legislation.
Vision of EHEDG Standard
The aspirational goal that drives our foundation is to be the leading source of hygienic design and engineering expertise, and enhance food safety and quality across the whole industry. This is the shared ambition that shapes EHEDG role in the outside world.
Mission of EHEDG Standard
The outline around EHEDG logo captures the mission EHEDG relentlessly committed to: to raise awareness of hygienic design and engineering, develop guidance and solutions, provide a platform to promote our expertise and facilitate networking across the world.

The importance of EHEDG standard
For common devices, periodic repair and replacement of components may not be too important. But for equipment and machinery used in the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries, even the process of polishing, grinding, and finishing the external surface is one of the stages that plays a role. extremely important because it directly affects hygiene performance and cleaning ability during the production process.
If the equipment has a low level of completion, it will increase the possibility of bacteria arising and contaminating the product at the final output. This is definitely unacceptable in any factory.
Therefore, if a device is certified to the EHEDG Standard it means it has been manufactured to the highest level of standards (including technical specifications, design standards and build quality) and Consumers can safely choose those devices for their applications in the manufacturing, food processing and pharmaceutical industries.
Therefore, the EHEDG Standard was born to improve food hygiene and safety by promoting hygiene issues during food production and processing in factories. It is currently used in the United States and Europe to prevent food contamination and keep supplies safe.
Below are some products that Khanh Anh provides that have received EHEDG standard certification, please contact us immediately if you are interested in the products!

So in this post of Khanh Anh company, we have answered your question: What is EHEDG Standard? Vision, mission and importance of EHEDG standards. Thank you for following our post, hope this topic is useful for you.
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