INNOVA Mini K Aseptic Divert Single Seat Valve, Inoxpa
Product detail
The INNOVA Mini K valve is a pneumatic single seat valve. It uses to divert the product with a converging flow in sterile applications of the food, beverages, pharmaceutical or chemical industries.
Design and features of INNOVA Mini K Aseptic Valve
– The asepsis in the inner of the valve obtains creating a hermetic barrier between the atmosphere and the fluid by
means of a Teflon diaphragm situated on the shaft valve. This diaphragm ensures total isolation of all components
that are in contact with the product.
– Gasket with specfic profile guarantees reliability under adverse working conditions.
– Single-acting pneumatic actuator.
– Normally closed valve (NC) in its standard version.
– The valve can be changes to normally open (NO) by simply reversing the position of the pneumatic actuator.
– Easy disassembly of internal parts by loosening a clamp fastener.
– Open lantern allows visual inspection of shaft sealing.
Materials of INNOVA Mini K Aseptic Valve
Parts in contact with the product 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
Other steel parts 1.4301 (AISI 304)
Seals in contact with the product EPDM
Surface finish
Internal Brigh polish Ra ≤ 0,8 μm
External Matt
Double-acting pneumatic actuator.
Seals: FPM and HNBR.
Other connections: male and clamp.
External position sensors.
Surface finish Ra ≤ 0,5 μm.
Address: F10, street 6, Van Gia Phuc block, 295 Tan Ky Tan Quy str., Tan Son Nhi ward, Tan Phu dist., Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Email: kaco@inoxkaco.vn
Hotline: +84 28 6658 2434 – 6659 2434