A640 Ball Valve Inoxpa


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A640 Ball Valve Inoxpa

Danh mục: Ball Valves, Valves
Sanitary ball valves A640, whether manually or automatically operated, are used mainly with viscous fluids containing solid particles, and, generally, in applications requiring an unobstructed flow.


Product detail

Khanh Anh Company is proud to be a partner and official distributor of industrial valves, butterfly valves, ball valves, sampling valves, pressure valves, mixproof valves,… from INOXPA/ Spain in the Vietnamese market from 2000 to present.

Sanitary ball valves A640, whether manually or automatically operated, are used mainly with viscous fluids containing solid particles, and, generally, in applications requiring an unobstructed flow.
Food grade ball valves are suitable for the food-processing, beverage, wine-making, oil-making, cosmetic and chemical industries.

The ball valve can be operated automatically with an actuator or manually with a handle.
The handle blocks the valve in the “open” or “closed” position. The actuator transforms the axial movement of the piston into a 90º rotary movement which it transmits to the ball.

Compact and robust design.
Easily interchangeable manual handles and pneumatic or electrical actuators.
Low pressure losses.
Body halves interchangeable with any connection type.

Ball 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
Body halves 1.4307 (AISI 304L) or 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
Other St.St. parts 1.4307 (AISI 304L)
Ball guide PTFE
Gasket EPDM, NBR or FPM 

Surface finish:
Internal Ra ≤ 0,8 µm
External Machined

Different handle types.
Single- or double-acting pneumatic actuator or electrical actuator.
Electropneumatic positioner.
Inductive position sensors
C-TOP S control head.
Cleaning and drainage ports.
Third hole.
ATEX version available.


Address: F10, street 6, Van Gia Phuc block, 295 Tan Ky Tan Quy str., Tan Son Nhi ward, Tan Phu dist., Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Email: kaco@inoxkaco.vn
Hotline: +84 28 6658 2434 – 6659 2434

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