A480 / A490 Butterfly Valve Inoxpa
Product detail
Sanitary butterfly valves A480, whether manually or automatically operated, can be used in most liquid product applications in the food-processing, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The design of the butterfly valve between flanges A490 facilitates its installation and maintenance, allowing the extraction of the valve by means of 4 screws while the flanges welded to the installation remain fixed.
Sanitary butterfly valves can be operated automatically through an actuator (sanitary pneumatic butterfly valve, sanitary butterfly valve with pneumatic actuator) or manually with a handle. The handle blocks the valve in the “open” or “closed” position, although there are also other models with intermediate positions. The actuator transforms the axial movement of the piston into a 90º rotary movement which it transmits to the disc.
Design and features of Butterfly Valve INOXPA
Hygienic design according to EHEDG guidelines.
Easily interchangeable manual handles and pneumatic or electric actuators.
Low pressure losses.
Body halves interchangeable with any connection type.
Traceability of components.
Gaskets comply with USP CLASS VI requirements.
Materials of Butterfly Valve INOXPA
Disc 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
Body halves 1.4307 (AISI 304L) or 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
Other St.St. parts 1.4307 (AISI 304L)
Surface finish:
Internal Ra ≤ 0,8 µm
External Machined
Different handle types.
Single- or double-acting actuator or electric actuator.
Inductive position sensors.
C-TOP S control unit.
ATEX version available.
Address: F10, street 6, Van Gia Phuc block, 295 Tan Ky Tan Quy str., Tan Son Nhi ward, Tan Phu dist., Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Email: kaco@inoxkaco.vn
Hotline: +84 28 6658 2434 – 6659 2434