74700 Overflow Valve, Inoxpa


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74700 Overflow Valve, Inoxpa

Danh mục: Overflow Valves, Valves
With a sanitary design and fully manufactured in stainless steel, the 74700 valve is the most suitable option for protection of facilities in the dairies, food, beverages, pharmaceutical and fine chemicals industries.


Product detail

Khanh Anh Company is proud to be a partner and official distributor of industrial valves, butterfly valves, ball valves, sampling valves, pressure valves, mixproof valves,… from INOXPA/ Spain in the Vietnamese market from 2000 to present.

The overflow valve is a valve used to perform pressure bypasses for safety purposes in order to protect lines, pumps, accessories, pools, etc. 
The overflow valve has a sanitary design and it is designed to prevent risks and possible failures caused by pressure surges in the plant.
With a sanitary design and fully manufactured in stainless steel, the 74700 valve is the most suitable option for protection of facilities in the dairies, food, beverages, pharmaceutical and fine chemicals industries.

Under normal operating conditions, the overflow valve remains closed.

The valve is calibrated to a specific pressure by regulating the spring with the pressure nut.The calibrated pressure is a maximum safety pressure defined to avoid damage of the plant.

When the pressure in the circuit exceeds the calibrated pressure, the valve opens letting the flow pass and reducing the pressure of the pipe system.

The valve can incorporate a handle designed to partially open the valve. When the handle is kept in the open position during the CIP process, the cleaning products can pass through the valve.

The valve is normally closed.
Easy to adjust manually.


Address: F10, street 6, Van Gia Phuc block, 295 Tan Ky Tan Quy str., Tan Son Nhi ward, Tan Phu dist., Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Email: kaco@inoxkaco.vn
Hotline: +84 28 6658 2434 – 6659 2434

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